Anthurium Crystallinum vs Clarinervium

Today I’m going to talk about the Anthurium Crystallinum and Anthurium Clarinervium. This is actually one of the easier and faster-growing anthuriums in my collection.

I’m gonna quickly go through with you some of the key differences. Because I know some of you guys are probably very curious.

First of all, let’s talk about price. Clarinervium probably 10 times more than the Crystallinum.

Clarinervium grows so slowly, it grows like five times slower than my Crystallinum. And it is always busy putting out flowers.

The Clarinervium actually has a very heart-shaped leaf compared to the Crystallinum which has a more elongated leaf. So that’s how you know the difference.

Let me quickly talk about the physical characteristics of these plants. They’re actually very velvety, the texture it’s very unique and the leaves have these silver speckles that run down the middle. They’re silver dots or silver speckles and each one of them is different in pattern and each leaf is different in shapes.

What’s really cool about them is that they come up with this cool tiny little red leaves as new growth. Then they will expand inside and it will become almost this pink color. Then slowly it will become purple and then fade.

So it’s got very very beautiful color gradation and as I said that this is fast growing because they can grow multiple leaves at once, I’ve had probably about five or six leaves that grew all at once and it’s just so beautiful of course.

They actually like somewhere between medium to morning direct sunlight but bright indirect would be their ideal conditions that they would like. The key to having these anthuriums thrive is actually in the potting mix.

They do like fast-draining soil and they like to cling onto things because in nature they’re clinging to rocks trees and they’re actually epiphytes.

So they do like to be humid around the roots. They cannot be dried out, unlike your philodendrons and monsteras which have to dry completely between waterings.

They are actually very susceptible to bacteria and fungal attacks on their leaves. So it is very common to get spots and speckles and things like that. However, I do find that they can recover on their own.

With watering again you want to just keep them a little bit moist and never let them dry out too much. But you don’t want to keep them soggy at the same time,

Give them my aroid potting mix and also top-dress them with sphagnum moss to seal in that humidity and they love it so much.

With fertilizing I do fertilize them the same way I do all my house plants nothing more nothing less. I use slow-release fertilizer and occasionally once I use my grow more chemical fertilizer in dilute.

So in a nutshell the Clarinervium is slow-growing, more expensive, heart-shaped leaves and flowers a lot more often and yes that’s the main key difference.